Articles on: SyncWith for Google Sheets

Service invoked too many times for one day: urlfetch

In order to promote efficient programming and fair use of shared resources, Google limits how often this function can be called. If your Google account, across all of its spreadsheets, formulas and scripts, calls this function more than 20,000 times per day, you will begin seeing errors in SyncWith.

Most of the time, you do not need to worry about this. However, if you see error messages like:

Service invoked too many times for one day: urlfetch

Then you are exceeding this limit. The only solution is to reduce your usage of this service and wait a day for the quota to reset.

Common culprits that can cause high usage of the urlfetch service are:

ImportAPI formula function
ImportJSON formula function
UrlFetchApp.fetch AppsScript function

Please check your spreadsheets for excessive use of these functions and reduce them where possible.

Step 1: What scripts or add-ons are using my quota?

Visit to see all recent Google Apps Script functions that have run. Well-behaved scripts should only run a handful of times per hour at most.
Review the scripts/tools that are running
Identify any that are running very often that are not SyncWith (which might show up as API Pipeline)
Stop or remove any tools using too much quota
Wait 24 hours for your quota to reset

Step 2: Ensure your Google Sheet trigger is enabled

SyncWith relies on a trigger, installed with Google, to get updated tokens to required to read/write from your sheet.
If you’re hitting quota issues with the SyncWith Google Sheets addon, one possibility is that our trigger has become disabled.

Visit: to find a list of triggers
Identify which trigger is for the SyncWith addon, it might be called API Pipeline
If the trigger is disabled, then you’ve found the problem!
Delete the trigger
Uninstall our google sheets addon (don’t worry all your reports and data will be safe)
Reinstall our google sheets addon

Updated on: 04/27/2024

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