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Reporting on multiple accounts

If you work at marketing agency, or you're a freelancer, you often have access to many accounts (for example many Facebook Ad accounts) and you likely want to report on many of them, either in one report or separately

SyncWith can report on any number of accounts, from any number of logins all at once, or separately!


First connect SyncWith to your login(s): you can connect SyncWith to as many 3rd party system logins as needed, for example Facebook logins, or Google logins, each of these can give access to many ad accounts etc.
Once you've connected the appropriate logins, SyncWith will display all the individual accounts (eg ad accounts)
You can then use our feature All accounts within <login> to report on all accounts at once, for example to see spend by account
You could also manually select the individual account(s) you'd like to report on, and select 1 or unlimited of them

Reporting on multiple accounts within some of our popular integrations

SourceLogin viaAccount to report onHow many accounts per loginNotes
Facebook AdsFacebook accountAd accountsMultiple
Google AdsGoogle accountAd accounts (MCC or CID)MultipleSyncWith supports reporting on MCC accounts, either as whole or broken out by customer account
Google AnalyticsGoogle accountPropertyMultiple
ShopifyShopify accountShopify storeSingleYou can connect as many stores as you'd like, but the way Shopify works is you'd need to connect them each separately to SyncWith by installing our app


SyncWith supports reporting on unlimited accounts across unlimited logins
SyncWith supports reporting on all (or some) accounts in a single report, eg spend by ad account
SyncWith supports running many individual reports against any number of accounts (eg you could create a campaign performance for each ad account individually)
Using SyncWith you can manually choose the account(s) to report on, or use our All accounts within <login> feature to report on all the accounts you have access to, and for some integrations like Google Ads we support reporting on all accounts within any number of MCC accounts

Updated on: 07/30/2024

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