Articles on: SyncWith for Google Sheets

Many Reports on a Single Google Sheet

SyncWith's default behaviour is to have each report load data onto its own sheet. This makes a lot of sense when you're pulling many rows of data with many columns and you want to use the power of sheets to:

Sort the data
Build filter views
Create Pivot Tables
Do vlookups to join data from another sheet

Many times however you just want to load many small bits of data and assemble them on a spreadsheet like a dashboard. For this reason you want to specify having multiple reports placing data on the same sheet.

Move Existing Data

To move data to a new sheet simply cut & paste the data where you want it and SyncWith will update and sync to the new location. Be careful if you only copy and paste or do not cut and paste all the data it will keep going to the old location.

Place New Report on an Existing Sheet

Lets say you know in advance where you want the data to flow, you can choose to Insert at selected cell when you create a connection.
Now when you click Insert it will not create a new sheet but will insert into the cell your cursor was on when you clicked insert.

Example: Campaign Ad Analysis

Lets say you have an ad campaign on Facebook and you wish to see if Facebook's auto-optimization is doing it's job, or simply want to understand where your ad
campaign is performing.

To do this you could look at CPC (cost per click) and Impressions by different dimensions say:

To do this we can create three different reports and without doing anything special we'd end up with 3 sheets.

But each sheet has a small data set for example the data by country is the largest:

It would be much nicer to have them all consolidated on a single sheet, something like this:

Lets see how we can make that happen, in the following video we:

Cut and paste all the existing data to a new Sheet
Verify the new data is syncing by hitting refresh (and observing the refresh date updating)
Deleting the old data sheets

Updated on: 04/27/2024

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