Articles on: SyncWith for Looker Studio

Migrate from Data Relate Looker Studio connectors to SyncWith by May 1st 2024

If you're using one or more of Data Relate's Looker Studio connectors you'll soon need to migrate to SyncWith's connector by May 1st 2024 instead. In 2023 SyncWith acquired Data Relate, and until this point you've been able to use their connectors without any changes. SyncWith is no longer going to support Data Relate's connectors, instead you can start using SyncWith's connectors.

Migration option 1: Use a new Google account

This migration path lets you use the Data Relate connector(s) at the same time as SyncWith, which might be useful to avoid interruptions.

Ensure you have a Google account that you can use with Looker Studio that you have never used with Data Relate connector(s)
Using that Google account, re-create each of your Looker Studio data source(s) and report(s), using SyncWith's connector(s)
When you use SyncWith's connector(s) with a new Google Account you'll get our new connector (not the previous one from Data Relate), this means some of the fields will be a little different, but it should give you access to all the data you had before.

Migration option 2: Switch your existing Google account

This migration path lets you continue using the same Google account you already use, but you have to make a hard switch over.

Contact SyncWith support, and request to migrate to SyncWith's connector(s)
SyncWith will then make a change on our end to switch you over
You'll then need to edit and re-configure each of your reports' data source(s), now that you're using SyncWith's connectors

Migration deadline

You must complete migration by May 1st 2024. On May 1st 2024 SyncWith will stop supporting Data Relate's Looker Studio connectors completely, and if you haven't migrated already your reports will stop working at this point. You can then manually re-configure your data source(s) to get them working again with SyncWith's connector(s).

SyncWith vs Data Relate

Here are some screenshots to help you identify which connector you're using. These screenshots are of the Data Relate connector for Facebook Ads, and the SyncWith connector for Facebook Ads.

SyncWithData Relate


Pricing for SyncWith is different than Data Relate, and if you choose to use SyncWith's connector(s) then you'd need to subscribe to a new plan at SyncWith. All charges for the Data Relate connectors will be stopped before May 1st 2024 at the same time that support for the connectors is stopped.

SyncWith's Looker Studio connectors come with a 14 day free trial after which you can purchase a plan to continue using them, you can see details on our pricing page.

Updated on: 04/17/2024

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