How to re-connect your Looker Studio data source
You may see a Community Connector Error dialog box with a message like this: Please edit the data source and reconnect your Facebook Ads account. This indicates that some aspect of your data source configuration has stopped working. You will need to re-connect the data source to get your report working again. Please follow these steps: Click the Resource menu Click the Manage added data souSome readersLooker Studio: You need access / Access denied
When you first use SyncWith’s connector, you need to authorize it. The authorization screen will prompt you to pick the Google account to use. After approving the connector, you may see a message like this You may need access (see screenshot below) This is a known issue on Google’s side that can occur when users are logged into multiple Google accounts. If you see this message, please try again. Many users report that the issue goes away after the first attempt. If the message persists, pleasFew readersLooker Studio - Unable to share report with other users (Authorization Needed)
Looker Studio reports must be configured in one of two ways: 1 - To use the viewer's credentials, in which case every viewer will need their own SyncWith account, and will only see the accounts to which they have access 2- To use the owner's credentials, in which case every viewer will see whatever data the author can see In most cases, you want to use owner's credentials to ensure that people you share the report with will see the same thing as you. If you are using SyncWithFew readersSyncWith for Looker Studio Known Issues
SyncWith for Looker Studio is the name of the set of connectors we've published in the Looker Studio Community connector gallery. Here we'll try to document any known issues/limitations that you might run into using one or more of our Looker Studio connectors. When reporting on a currency, the actual numbers will flow through as the original currency from the source, but currently the currency symbol will always be set to $. You can eaFew readers